Ini Cerita Saya

My photo
Selangor, Malaysia
Simple:Talkative:Love my Si Putih much:Nerdy:Eat like monster:Good driver ever:Eldest in a family:Mummy's and Daddy's sweet daughter:What else??? Mr Gajah's EHEMMMMM.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Leicester University Malaysian Student...

Wah. Malaysian Student?
Best ok.
Our first activity.

Hye. Salam.

Kali ini aku nak bercerita sikit. Pada 6th Oct 2012, Let's Discover Leicester! Itu lah nama activity tersebut. Memang agak best. Dan yang paling best bila dapat berjumpa kawan-kawan baru di tempat yang baru. Community Malaysian kat Leicester ni tak la ramai. So, bila dapat kenal mereka ni pun dah cukup terbaik bagi aku.

Macam biasa, biar gambar berbicara! :)

Ucapan dan Ceramah

Treasure Hunt!

AND the winner is US! Yeay.. :)

LUMS! (Leicester University Malaysian Society)


P/s: I am happy with my new life here. Even it is hard for a first two weeks but now, Alhamdulillah I feel like I want to stay here more longer than I supposedly stay. Insyallah


lahnahar said...

saya baru dapat offer sambung master di leicester sept tahun depan..course MSc Geographical Information Science..nak tanya, macam mana suasana kat sana? ok x?

lahnahar said...

saya baru dapat conditional offer untuk study MSc Geographical Information System kt Leicester. Saya nak tanya, ada tak any Malaysian amek course tu? and, scholarship semua macam mana?

Nani Shahimi said...

hye.. setakat ni macam tak ada Malaysian amik course tu. btw, kif cond offer kena la settlekan ielts and scholar dulu rasanya. and utk scholar, try mntk MARA. Biasa buka utk apply bln Jan or Feb. Keep update with them. :)

Unknown said...

Hi, selamat berkenalan.
Saya akan join UoL utk course Electrical Electronic with Industry MEng bulan setember ni. Boleh beri saya sedikit tips2 or tunjuk ajar tentang Leicester? Terima Kasih

Nani Shahimi said...

Hye Zahin, Congrats!
Welcome to Leicester. :)
Boleh je. Nanti I share apa yg patut. Or u can just email me at